Re-Certification Based on Your Current Status as a Certified Action Learning Coach (CALC)

If you are still certified and your expiration date is approaching, the WIAL directory system should trigger and send you a re-certification application link whereby you will record the standard requirements (see below).  Note: If you’ve lost the email (in spam or otherwise), reach out to and we will ensure you get what you need.
  • Renew through an online form that will be sent to the Director of Certification (
  • This form will ask you to:
    • Describe your use of Action Learning since your most recent certification (5 hours).
    • Provide a testimonial from a team member/client that may potentially be used in marketing. (If confidential, please note this in the application.)
    • Describe your participation in at least one WIAL volunteer or continuing education activity from categories 1, 2, or 3 below

Category 1

  • Participate in global, regional, or local WIAL seminar/conference
  • Volunteer on an Affiliate Board or Committee
  • Publish research/ publication
  • Volunteer on Global Board or Committee

Category 2

  • Lead or Coach a pro bono session
  • Conduct presentation about AL (ex. small work group)
  • Lead other WIAL programs (ex. Leading with Questions)

Category 3:

      • WIAL Malaysia 60 minutes with keynote
If your certification has lapsed (up to 2 years expired – CALC), you may renew by completing the renewal application (standard requirements described above) in your reminder or expiry email notifications. No course audits are required. If you can’t find the renewal email (with link), email, and we will ensure that a new re-certification email is sent.
  • If you haven’t been able to use Action Learning for the full 5 hours during your certification, consider these options:
    • Attend a 4-hour refresher course offered periodically by WIAL USA as it will include a content refresher and coaching practice. This option doubles as continuing education as well as time to coach. The coaching practice you have during this session may be included in your 5-hour requirement.
    • Another way to gain some coaching experience is to reach out to the Coaching Committee through . We have opportunities to that we can guide you toward periodically.
    • Don’t forget the Bea Hive.
If your certification has lapsed (beyond 2 years expired, CALC), this requires a an AL knowledge update.

We offer 2 options:

Option 1: Complete the e-Learning course on the WIAL portal and submit all the assessments to Certification Director- The course consists of 7 chapters of Micro-learning modules. You only need to complete the 9 assignments from chapter 1 to 6 since you already went through the certification process. Contact if you’d like to take this e-Learning course.

Option 2: Have one AL session audited by a S-MALC. The S-MALC will need to complete the Competencies Observation Checklist and give their recommendation to approve your recertification. This AL session can take place within the refresher or during your audit of a 4-day intensive course.

If your observation occurs outside of the “course” setting, the S-MALC may recommend you attend (audit) a CALC certification program (or at least part of) as a refresher. The fee will be decided between you and the instructor.

Important Note: If you take either of the options above, you will still need to fill out the recertification form which has the standard requirements.  However, you may use your coaching hours from a course (such as the 4-day intensive) and you will also be taking part in the continuing education.

Contact WIAL USA at and express interest in auditing for recertification. Once you are approved to receive an audit code, go to to register.