Official USA Affilliate, WIAL USA
Why Get Certified?
Research indicates that a key success factor for Action Learning programs is having a trained Action Learning coach at the helm. Increasingly, more organizations want their programs conducted by Certified Action Learning coaches (CALC). Professionals can enhance their careers and value to their organizations with a certification in Action Learning from WIAL, the certification organization for Action Learning. There are four levels of certification, each with increased education and requirements.
- Certified Action Learning Coaches (CALCs) can coach Action Learning sessions
- Professional Action Learning Coaches (PALCs) have proven their ability as coaches
- Senior Action Learning Coaches (SALCs) are cleared to lead all WIAL programs
- Master Action Learning Coaches (MALCs) are considered thought leaders within the Action Learning community.
WIAL is an ICF-accredited training provider and the WIAL CALC certification is an accredited ICF CCE program.
Four Levels of Certification
WIAL Certification Digital Badges
Digital badging gives WIAL Certified Coaches a way to share their knowledge, skills and abilities online in a simple and trusted way and which can be easily verified in real time.
WIAL now recognizes your achievement as a WIAL Certified Coach through a digital badge. We provide this new service through our official digital certification provider, Credly platform.
You worked hard to earn your WIAL Certification, and the digital badge allows you to share and verify your achievements easily with the rest of the world, including clients and employers! Badges provide concrete evidence of what a WIAL Certified Coach had to do to earn the Certification, the date the Certification was awarded and the date of its expiration. You can easily share your badge on social and professional media, including LinkedIn. You can also add it to your email signature, blog or website.
There is no fee for this service, and your participation is optional.
What is a Digital Badge?
Your badge is a digital representation of your WIAL Certification and it allows you to show your clients, employers, partners, colleagues and friends:
- Your certification award date and date of expiration
- The competencies you demonstrated to earn your WIAL Certification
- Each required step to earn your WIAL Certification
- The work you do to maintain your WIAL Certification and stay fit for purpose as an WIAL Certified Coach.
For more information and FAQ click here