WIAL USA Community of Practice Q2FY23
WIAL USA Community of Practice is excited to introduce Alex Walker as our next featured speaker where she will present the topic:
Enhancing Behavior Awareness with Action Learning & Airtime: The Power of Questions Meets the Power of Data
You may know that Action Learning is a method that that uses a small group, an unsolved problem, a willingness to learn and follow a process to strengthen leadership competencies and solve problems. What you may not know is that Airtime is a tool that provides detailed data on how a small group talked with one another during an observed conversation. Join us to as Alex shares the exploration of her question: What would we find if we looked for 18 verbal behaviors within statements and questions during an Action Learning Set?
Alex is an ICF Professional Certified Coach with a Masters Degree in Human Resources Development & Administration. Particularly relevant to this presentation, she is an Action Learning coach and an Airtime Practitioner. Building on her long career in Talent & Performance Management, she is the founder and CEO of A Leadership Experience. That career consists of work in industries such as financial services, petroleum refining & marketing and manufacturing. Early in her career, Alex learned the power of learning experientially. She has woven this mindset and approach through her work delivering training, facilitating group processes, coaching and consulting. Clients benefit from Alex’s strategic thinking and ability to see past the irrelevant details to arrive at the best way forward. She curates her extensive knowledge to offer just the right insight and create a space that enables leaning in and learning. She moves through it all with a light hearted and collaborative nature. In the end, even the toughest challenges become possible and enjoyable.
We look forward to gaining new insights from our esteemed guest.
Of course, our Community of Practice will also include time to connect with colleagues across the world. Be ready to:
Connect, Collaborate, and Continue the Learning Journey
New to Action Learning? Find out more about it here:
Topic: WIAL USA Community of Practice Q2FY23 Time: Jun 5, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89320965108
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